sigh ... i was too lazy to go on a bike ride this morning but i went on an etra long one after work, so thats all good.
i should practice some bass playin ... im gonna have an "audition" pretty soon and i gotta learn about 3 songs. already learned one so it should b a snap.
it would ruloe being in a band again. thats shits soooooo fun.
anywho. adios 4 now
i should practice some bass playin ... im gonna have an "audition" pretty soon and i gotta learn about 3 songs. already learned one so it should b a snap.
it would ruloe being in a band again. thats shits soooooo fun.
anywho. adios 4 now
I love horror movies. Been watching since I was like 2. Good luck with your auditon. I play bass too but only as hobby Im not very good at it

Its a customer service job. Its nothing to get super excited about but it sounds like a nice place and a change from where I am now would be mighty nice.