sigh ...
its valentines day. im not bitter about it being valentines day or anything ... im just bitter that im fucking bored.
i went to guitar center in sf today hoping that i could find a sweet new guitar but that didnt work out. so when i got there this salesman guy showed me this pretty dope prs guitar. turns out its made of some fuckin brazillian rainforest wood and its super rare b/c its now illegal to cut those tress down or some shit. so that guitar was sweet but cost fucking $3,500.00. i was thinking that if i found something dope less than a grand id get it but for some reason they didnt have shit.
so i also went on thsi mad spree to rearrange my room. i moved abunch of shit around and got a new desk. i also grabbed neough spare computer parts from the garage to put together a pretty good new computer so im gonna get a monitor for that tomorrow. ill b geekin out with a laptop and a pc in my room ... i probably wont use um both ever but hey, i had spare parts so fuck it.
what else ... i only have one friend on sg and thats kinda cool actually ... especially since i dont actually know her. i have a livejournal and its actually pretty fucking annoying to have all your friends read between the lines that never existed. i hate getting shit like "oh dude are u mad at xyz cuz i read online that you sed bla bla" ... i dont know bout u guys but i fucking hate it when people take shit online too seriously. another example is when i take 2 hours to respond to an IM. ill get back from some meeting or something and ill see IMs from someone and the last one usually goes something like "oh, i guess u dont wanna talk to me". that kinda shit pisses me off.
ok so in work related new ... some new features i wrote ended up on some news website so im kinda proud o myself for dat ... and the same stuff earned me a trip to vegas on the company's tab ... ceo said "im sending u to vegas in style". ive heard talks of a dedicated limo guy even.
thats brings me back to how different my work life and social life are ... i work at a silicon valley startup so im used to talking to venture capitol people and millionaires and shit like that ... but on the flip side of life im this dude who's in punk bands hands out with people signed to Lookout records n such. its a wierd way to slice life. it seems like people on both sides, both the hi-tech peeps and the punks, both take a lil while to process the fact that im not "normal". the punk rockers think its odd that i own and audii tt and buy new guitars as i please and the silicon valley dudes dont get why i have a foul mouth and cant beleive im in "that kind of band"
its odd but thats my life. kinda in the middle (no jimmie eat world pun intended there)
so ok while im at it and since its valentoines day ill keep ranting on this whole life/work seperation. so since im not the typical cleancut software engineer dude and im into punk rock etc ... i tend to be attracted to punk rock kind of girls. i dont nessecarilly mean mohawk etc, but i mean girls that have a flair and arent afraid to do crazy shit to their hair etc. but ... since im pretty driven as far as work goes and have a degree etc i kinda want that in a girl too ... now my problem is "where do i find a girl like that?". ive met girls at punk shows and they lack the career thing and ive met mba girls that are fucking lame and cookie cutter and boring ... im not saying that thsi combo doesnt exist, i just cant seem to find it .... are u out there? u know someone like that? if u do and theyre in teh bay area lemme know
its valentines day. im not bitter about it being valentines day or anything ... im just bitter that im fucking bored.
i went to guitar center in sf today hoping that i could find a sweet new guitar but that didnt work out. so when i got there this salesman guy showed me this pretty dope prs guitar. turns out its made of some fuckin brazillian rainforest wood and its super rare b/c its now illegal to cut those tress down or some shit. so that guitar was sweet but cost fucking $3,500.00. i was thinking that if i found something dope less than a grand id get it but for some reason they didnt have shit.
so i also went on thsi mad spree to rearrange my room. i moved abunch of shit around and got a new desk. i also grabbed neough spare computer parts from the garage to put together a pretty good new computer so im gonna get a monitor for that tomorrow. ill b geekin out with a laptop and a pc in my room ... i probably wont use um both ever but hey, i had spare parts so fuck it.
what else ... i only have one friend on sg and thats kinda cool actually ... especially since i dont actually know her. i have a livejournal and its actually pretty fucking annoying to have all your friends read between the lines that never existed. i hate getting shit like "oh dude are u mad at xyz cuz i read online that you sed bla bla" ... i dont know bout u guys but i fucking hate it when people take shit online too seriously. another example is when i take 2 hours to respond to an IM. ill get back from some meeting or something and ill see IMs from someone and the last one usually goes something like "oh, i guess u dont wanna talk to me". that kinda shit pisses me off.
ok so in work related new ... some new features i wrote ended up on some news website so im kinda proud o myself for dat ... and the same stuff earned me a trip to vegas on the company's tab ... ceo said "im sending u to vegas in style". ive heard talks of a dedicated limo guy even.
thats brings me back to how different my work life and social life are ... i work at a silicon valley startup so im used to talking to venture capitol people and millionaires and shit like that ... but on the flip side of life im this dude who's in punk bands hands out with people signed to Lookout records n such. its a wierd way to slice life. it seems like people on both sides, both the hi-tech peeps and the punks, both take a lil while to process the fact that im not "normal". the punk rockers think its odd that i own and audii tt and buy new guitars as i please and the silicon valley dudes dont get why i have a foul mouth and cant beleive im in "that kind of band"
its odd but thats my life. kinda in the middle (no jimmie eat world pun intended there)
so ok while im at it and since its valentoines day ill keep ranting on this whole life/work seperation. so since im not the typical cleancut software engineer dude and im into punk rock etc ... i tend to be attracted to punk rock kind of girls. i dont nessecarilly mean mohawk etc, but i mean girls that have a flair and arent afraid to do crazy shit to their hair etc. but ... since im pretty driven as far as work goes and have a degree etc i kinda want that in a girl too ... now my problem is "where do i find a girl like that?". ive met girls at punk shows and they lack the career thing and ive met mba girls that are fucking lame and cookie cutter and boring ... im not saying that thsi combo doesnt exist, i just cant seem to find it .... are u out there? u know someone like that? if u do and theyre in teh bay area lemme know