somehow its 4am again ... or really clsoe to it.
i didnt get up untill like 2pm so that was dope. ive been working at leats 13 hours a day for about 10 days now so it was nice to just not have to get up.
the real work paris is on in the background and i have to say that this show is kinda retarded. at loeats that adam dude is. hes just dumb.
i went out and played pool tonight with one of my friends and i saw thsi guy that i totally felt sorry for. it was about 11ish and this dude shows up that was pretty much the same age as my dad (about 52). the thing is that he was alone. i felt kinda crappy when i saw that. being 50 and alone sounds pretty fucking shitty to me ... its probably my only fear. so anyways i hope his wife happened to have a girls night out or something so he went out solo. it would suck to think that some normal Joe could be living with no family or friends to kik it with on a sat night.
so ive been working on some new music lately. im way too fucking picky about the songs i write. most of the songs that you like (if youre into punk) are pretty bland if you strip it down to just a guitar. so when you start writing a song youre at thsi stripped down level and in your head youve gotta hear the drums and bass and other guitar. so thats what hardest about writing punk songs ... if you dont hear that stuff (and a vocal pattern) in your head your just gonna try n write songs that are composed of a handful of good riffs... and thats hard.
whatever its all for fun so its all good.
im gonan go see Slayer at the warfield tomorrow LOL. its gonna kik ass and be hilarious and cheesey all in one ... its gonna rule. im way looking forward to buying a tshirt with a pentagram on it
i didnt get up untill like 2pm so that was dope. ive been working at leats 13 hours a day for about 10 days now so it was nice to just not have to get up.
the real work paris is on in the background and i have to say that this show is kinda retarded. at loeats that adam dude is. hes just dumb.
i went out and played pool tonight with one of my friends and i saw thsi guy that i totally felt sorry for. it was about 11ish and this dude shows up that was pretty much the same age as my dad (about 52). the thing is that he was alone. i felt kinda crappy when i saw that. being 50 and alone sounds pretty fucking shitty to me ... its probably my only fear. so anyways i hope his wife happened to have a girls night out or something so he went out solo. it would suck to think that some normal Joe could be living with no family or friends to kik it with on a sat night.
so ive been working on some new music lately. im way too fucking picky about the songs i write. most of the songs that you like (if youre into punk) are pretty bland if you strip it down to just a guitar. so when you start writing a song youre at thsi stripped down level and in your head youve gotta hear the drums and bass and other guitar. so thats what hardest about writing punk songs ... if you dont hear that stuff (and a vocal pattern) in your head your just gonna try n write songs that are composed of a handful of good riffs... and thats hard.
whatever its all for fun so its all good.
im gonan go see Slayer at the warfield tomorrow LOL. its gonna kik ass and be hilarious and cheesey all in one ... its gonna rule. im way looking forward to buying a tshirt with a pentagram on it
Girlfriends are over-rated. 

ya i thought the same thing for a while but i think im changin my mind.