This question is pretty tough but since I really love Dark imagery subliminal meaning tattoos and "realism" not traditional I would have to say
Derek noble
and Timmy B
He is just amazing, I would love for noble to finish my Revelations/hell body piece. Timmy B just has great colors and knows how to shade with such realism and originality. I haven't had an instagram or any kind of social networking for about 3 years until 7-8 months ago. You see a lot of great work from amazing artists. To go back and justify going to your average artist is very hard. It's a huge dilemma that I deal with and one of the reasons why I have not finished or put on any of my ideas that I have for tattoos. Plus my ex's husband that I introduced is my original tattoo artist haha. However, for those artists you have to put down bigger deposits, the hourly cost is more and there is a waiting list sometimes of years. I feel being 26 that I should have a lot more especially since i started balls to the wall. Does anyone else feel this way? I could fill up my other arm complete my arm sleeve, do my thighs, my torso , my body, my ribs ect but I would love to have amazing work.
The Dilemma!!!!!!!!