it's nice to be nice to people
Loving yourself is hard to do sometimes
We are more the same than we ever were before.
YOU need to get at me K? like NAO!
Today you will become everything you ever wanted to be and more - but first you have to give yourself permission to do so.
I will cheers to that.
Be happy - life is short.
<img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*xJmx*PTEyNDA1NjU5MjA1MjEmcHQ9MTI*MDU2NTk1MTcyMyZwPTI3MDgxJmQ9YmFubmVyX2ZpcnN*X2dlbiZnPTEmdD*mbz1iZTU4ZWJlZWMyNzA*YzVjYjU1NjE1NTI3ZWU5YWJjZiZvZj*w.gif" /><a href=""><img alt="Classy%20Janitor" border="0" src="" /></a><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="display: none" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="Quantcast"/></a>
If you're ever feeling down about yourself, get on Craigslist and read the "casual encounter" ads. Don't reply to anyone - just read them, sit back and get ready to laugh...because these are the most pathetic people alive.
I agree!
so many pussy and dick shots i could puke.
so many pussy and dick shots i could puke.
i have done that before, it's hilarious!
If you drop my name at the door -Kenny! [I'm one of the DJ's here]
We're having a big event and they just surprised me with the good news that I get unlimited guest list for tonight's show.
This offer is good for tonight only! Thursday - April 2nd!
The event is called 'So You Think You Can Strip' -its sort of a pilot test...
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We're having a big event and they just surprised me with the good news that I get unlimited guest list for tonight's show.
This offer is good for tonight only! Thursday - April 2nd!
The event is called 'So You Think You Can Strip' -its sort of a pilot test...
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check it out - its worth your time.
check it out - its worth your time.
Perfectly adorable, aren't you?
hey sweetcheeks!
What a lady!
How are you mister?
How are you mister?
Yeah I saw that last night. I was surprised how many major news outlets had stories about it.
is that your new band?