a night at the hideout, shootin' the shit w/ an old friend, then a ride home north on lsd w/ the lake illuminated by lightning flashes, & the black & white chicago skyline assuming a distnict deco flavor thanks, no doubt, to the sultry soundtarck provided by that femme fatale neko case... ahhhh thursday night noir. sometimes i do love this dirty old town
i'd forgotten how to update my journal & commented on my previous entry, so here it is again...
back on the site after an extended hiatus. can't remember when my membership expired. sometime last spring, i think, which was a brutally busy and exhausting time for me. spent the summer in sweden, which gave me the opportunity to recharge my batteries, which were damn...
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back on the site after an extended hiatus. can't remember when my membership expired. sometime last spring, i think, which was a brutally busy and exhausting time for me. spent the summer in sweden, which gave me the opportunity to recharge my batteries, which were damn...
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Hi. What brings on this request?

arrrrr, me be thanking ye for the kind mouth sounds about me set... 

Off to Sweden today. Scrambling to get last minute packing finished. Can't hardly wait. As it's warmed up gangbangin' activity has increased in Chitown, so I'm thinkin' it'll be a good time to be in Scandihuvia.
back on the site after an extended hiatus. can't remember when my membership expired. sometime last spring, i think, which was a brutally busy and exhausting time for me. spent the summer in sweden, which gave me the opportunity to recharge my batteries, which were damn near burnt out.
i see that the last time i posted was may 04, 2004, & i was heading to scandinavia then. i travel to sweden fairly regularly now, as often as my meagre finances and work schedule permit. i've come to see firsthand just how poor the 'quality of life' is for many in the usa. even those who have decent jobs here tend to be way overworked w/ their priorities bent all outta shape.
anyway, i look forward to seeing what's new on the site. sorry to see that a couple of my SG friends --ingrid and seda -- are inactive. but the good news is that there are still more familiar faces.
i see that the last time i posted was may 04, 2004, & i was heading to scandinavia then. i travel to sweden fairly regularly now, as often as my meagre finances and work schedule permit. i've come to see firsthand just how poor the 'quality of life' is for many in the usa. even those who have decent jobs here tend to be way overworked w/ their priorities bent all outta shape.
anyway, i look forward to seeing what's new on the site. sorry to see that a couple of my SG friends --ingrid and seda -- are inactive. but the good news is that there are still more familiar faces.
Slavoj Zizek Psychoanalyzes U.S. Foreign Policy in Iraq
The Bush Administration's conflicting movtives for invading Iraq resulted in the current foreign policy debacle, argues Slavoj Zizek in the Jan/Feb 2004 issue of Foreign Policy. Zizek's article, Iraq's False Promises makes the case that the U.S.'s three main reasons for invading Iraq -- to promote democracy, assert U.S. hegemony, and secure a stable energy supply --...
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The Bush Administration's conflicting movtives for invading Iraq resulted in the current foreign policy debacle, argues Slavoj Zizek in the Jan/Feb 2004 issue of Foreign Policy. Zizek's article, Iraq's False Promises makes the case that the U.S.'s three main reasons for invading Iraq -- to promote democracy, assert U.S. hegemony, and secure a stable energy supply --...
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..thanks for the tip, kitten.
Off for a few drinks w/ friends at the great Whirlaway Tavern before heading to the Metro to see the Twilight Singers, Greg Dulli's current band. Hopefully this'll raise my spirits a bit. Today's developments in Iraq were fucking depressing & don't bode well for the future.
I've been wanting to hear the Twilight Singers...
And no, I probably won't make it to see Sonic Youth this year.
The last time i saw them was about 8 years ago, and they were amazing.
And no, I probably won't make it to see Sonic Youth this year.
The last time i saw them was about 8 years ago, and they were amazing.
if y'all aint heard the twilght singers so buy their record or, better yet, check 'em out live. this is the future of R&B.
my ears are ringin' & i'm going to bed.
my ears are ringin' & i'm going to bed.
On Tuesday afternoon, I leave for Sweden where I'm spending my spring break. Can't hardly wait to be back in Europe.
Today is my birthday.. My kidneys are still recovering from the weekend celebrating, so today I will likely take it easier. Need to do some writing, since I took the weekend off.
One of my B.D. gifts was a DVD box set of Samuel Beckett on film. 10+ hours of Beckett's plays adapted for filim by a top-notch group of contemporary actors & directors.
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One of my B.D. gifts was a DVD box set of Samuel Beckett on film. 10+ hours of Beckett's plays adapted for filim by a top-notch group of contemporary actors & directors.
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i think my kidneys are just asking for a beating...now where is my wine?
i should be reading hegel's phenomenology of spirit, but am surfing SG instead & killing time until going to a stupor bowl party.
don't get me wrong. i ain't no bookworm type who resents football. i'm just kinda bored by the NFL, but i looove college football (despite its many flaws) esp. the nebraska cornhuskers.
pleased to discover that i've now got my 1st SG...
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don't get me wrong. i ain't no bookworm type who resents football. i'm just kinda bored by the NFL, but i looove college football (despite its many flaws) esp. the nebraska cornhuskers.
pleased to discover that i've now got my 1st SG...
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go to your edit preferences and just type a new entry...does that help?
so where is that new entry?

just last night i was watching a wesley willis DVD--
know who wesley willis was? he was from chicago--
and thinking, "man, maybe chicago would be cool place to live..."