im a fucking idiot.
laurentian offers 2 physics courses, 1207 and 1007. for my program i need 1007, which, since its a lower number, i assumed was the easier one, which is the one i enrolled in. 1207 is the easier one, which is the one im taking, which is useless for me. i cant even use it as an elective. to make things better, if had enrolled in the right course id be chilling with noa all day almost everyday. hurray stupidity.
laurentian offers 2 physics courses, 1207 and 1007. for my program i need 1007, which, since its a lower number, i assumed was the easier one, which is the one i enrolled in. 1207 is the easier one, which is the one im taking, which is useless for me. i cant even use it as an elective. to make things better, if had enrolled in the right course id be chilling with noa all day almost everyday. hurray stupidity.

Ack! I've done that once or twice.