im pretty sure i failed chemisty, as expected. the exam didnt look very hard and certainly didnt have much range, and if i had kept up with the work im sure i would have breezed right though it. only exam left is physics, and i stand a very good chance of getting a decent mark (decent in my eyes).
with only one exam left before the brake i was planning on maybe asking noah out today. i saw her on the bus but was way too nervous, then couldnt find her inside the gym, which it turns out was all for the better. when i was done i waited outside for her. she came out and started talking to me right as she saw me, which dealt a major blow to my paranoia, and we were talking for at least 20 minutes. during this she said she was going to some fetish parade at some club, i asked which and she said she forgot the name, but told me to give her my number and shed call me (
) with more info. she also asked if ive been to some bar here and said i should go sometime, and that shed be there friday night (so much for me not seeing her all until next semester). now heres where everything comes crashing down, after this she said she had to go find a payphone to call her boyfriend. if i werent a schizoid id probably be pretty depressed.
korns new album rocks.
im growing my nails long again, theyr a pretty decent length and getting damn sharp.
i hate the place im living at now. one would think that after a few months id be able to find a better place, but everything iv seen sucks even more. for gods sake if an apartment is already super tiny dont make look even smaller but cutting it into 6 different 2mx2m rooms. more of this fucking nightmare tomarrow.
with only one exam left before the brake i was planning on maybe asking noah out today. i saw her on the bus but was way too nervous, then couldnt find her inside the gym, which it turns out was all for the better. when i was done i waited outside for her. she came out and started talking to me right as she saw me, which dealt a major blow to my paranoia, and we were talking for at least 20 minutes. during this she said she was going to some fetish parade at some club, i asked which and she said she forgot the name, but told me to give her my number and shed call me (

korns new album rocks.
im growing my nails long again, theyr a pretty decent length and getting damn sharp.
i hate the place im living at now. one would think that after a few months id be able to find a better place, but everything iv seen sucks even more. for gods sake if an apartment is already super tiny dont make look even smaller but cutting it into 6 different 2mx2m rooms. more of this fucking nightmare tomarrow.
It's her loss, though.