it's a shitty picture, i know.
i'm on the far right (long blue hair), with my head behind the mic stand, circa march 17th 1995 (mindmeld23's 20th birthday).
the incredibly awesome Sidekick Kato was playing the now semi-legendary Fireside Bowl in Chicago under glorious flourescent lights.
to my right (your left) being partially supported by me is my friend Matt (short green hair), who at that point was the drummer for Jerkwater (they ruled), and now heads up a pretty fucking huge band. i let you guess (if you care).
you didn't stand still at Kato shows. you flailed about. that was how it was done. now i'm a hands in the pockets folded arms guy. WHAT HAPPENED TO ME???? i'm sorry, rock 'n' roll. i tried.
these pictures make me feel sentimental. cause i'm a pussy, and i miss the old days... back when everyone was alive and no one was a junkie.
take one source photo and duplicate it
make one photo a background layer. bring the alpha down to 40%
crop the front layer photo image so that only the items you want are at 100%
use the line tool to apply tasteful borders