Okay my SG friends I have got a question for ya, last year February I had went to Kentucky to pick up my sister because she was not liking it there, now a year or two before that she had been hit with a awful divorce from her ex-husband, so when I picked her up she had no place to go or move into, now me and her are both hard headed and we can not live under one roof for a long period of time, so I told her she could stay with me for a short period of time, well here it is over a year later and she is still here, and on top of that her freaking son is also in here, now I told him that he could never stay in my house ever again because I caught him lying to me on several occasions and I longer trust him in my house, well he got him self arrested and he had to do some time, so I told her that when he gets out that he can not stay in my house because he is now a felon and that where I live they do not allow felons to live there, so I told her that she should save up the money during the time that he is in there and when he gets out that they have to move, well here it is two months later and they are still in my house, now when I ask whats going on finding there own place she gives me all sorts of attitude about it, now when I told her that she should save up money while he was in jail that I was not going to charge her any bills so that she could use it towards her finding a place, here it is three months later after he has been out, I am paying all the bills, his worthless ass is in my bedroom all night playing on the computer instead of going out getting a job, eating my food up, using my electricity up like its nothing, drinking my water, using my washer and dyer just about everyday, now do yall think I am a horrible person for asking about when they are going to get there own place?
p.s. I had really dropped into a really bad depression because of all this, lately I have been getting that I don't give a shit about anything attitude

p.s. I had really dropped into a really bad depression because of all this, lately I have been getting that I don't give a shit about anything attitude

I wish... This was about $250 and the other one will be as much, if not even more. I'm getting Virgin Mary on the other one, but probably only in May as there's a wedding and a trip I have to go to in April.
Thank you dear. <3 The dr appointment went well. I have another one in April.
I am still all nervous about it all. But it will go away with time...or something like that. haha. How have you been?