Well let see 18 days left, I volunteered to go foward to another FOB to get the Brigades shit through customs. Thats going to be a nightmare, but some how I felt obligated. Actually, I hate my XO and wanted to get away before I go crazy.
I thought I was going to be happy to leave my FOB Im at now but im actually kinda sad, I ironicaly miss my buddies.
So I definetly got them to think I'm crazy or suffering PTSD. I had to do my mandatory medical checks getting poke vision and what not. Any how the last part is a one on one with my PA. Well he read through my shit and I like just kinda losing focus I had been up a while. Well he start to ask me questions and i was no no no lol the regular lets get through this shit. He got to the last one and ask me and then he look at me and I was like Oh! no. Are you sure he asks me, you hesitated for like 2 mins. I was like uh ya NO. SO of course he went through my shit and changed a bunch of shit and wanted me to go to Mental Health. So shit! lol We are all alittle crazy, but come on im not like freaking out and or thoughts of suicide.
Oh well, I'm still determined to stay cheerful and happy, no matter what situation I may be in. For I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our disposition, not our circumstances. Well thats what I tell myself when I get sad or down.
I thought I was going to be happy to leave my FOB Im at now but im actually kinda sad, I ironicaly miss my buddies.
So I definetly got them to think I'm crazy or suffering PTSD. I had to do my mandatory medical checks getting poke vision and what not. Any how the last part is a one on one with my PA. Well he read through my shit and I like just kinda losing focus I had been up a while. Well he start to ask me questions and i was no no no lol the regular lets get through this shit. He got to the last one and ask me and then he look at me and I was like Oh! no. Are you sure he asks me, you hesitated for like 2 mins. I was like uh ya NO. SO of course he went through my shit and changed a bunch of shit and wanted me to go to Mental Health. So shit! lol We are all alittle crazy, but come on im not like freaking out and or thoughts of suicide.
Oh well, I'm still determined to stay cheerful and happy, no matter what situation I may be in. For I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our disposition, not our circumstances. Well thats what I tell myself when I get sad or down.
I think hard times make it easier to be an optimist. They are solid proof that no matter how poorly things go--you always make it out okay. Everything works out. I'm glad you'll be home soon, your guys won't be far behind you, so don't worry about that. 

I just put 2+2 together and realized that you should be home as of yesterday. I hope that is the case. When you get a chance, hop on here and let us all know how you're doing.