No shit there I was. Knee deep in 7.62. I got 2 buddies on my back and an RPG in my hand. I charged the enemy bunker and fired my RPG into the a group of 5 killing them instantly then I turned right and and ran into a tunnel, and stab 3 more to death. Kill the crew on the gun with my boot laces and turned the machine gun around and mowed down 50 more enemy. LMAO
War stories are like fairy tales that start out no shit there I was instead of once upon a time. lol
Well I got like 43 more days. And every day I think about that meal, big ol steak mashed potatoes and green beans beer I don't even care what it is. lol Probably a Sam Adams lol or a Killians oo maybe even a Guiness!! I dunno I just need a decent meal!! lol Find me someone to feed it to me too! and maybe even a little fan boy or girl lol ya get some grapes. hahaha ohhh
Hope you all have a great day or evening!!
War stories are like fairy tales that start out no shit there I was instead of once upon a time. lol
Well I got like 43 more days. And every day I think about that meal, big ol steak mashed potatoes and green beans beer I don't even care what it is. lol Probably a Sam Adams lol or a Killians oo maybe even a Guiness!! I dunno I just need a decent meal!! lol Find me someone to feed it to me too! and maybe even a little fan boy or girl lol ya get some grapes. hahaha ohhh
Hope you all have a great day or evening!!

14 months! Holy cow! I didn't know the tours were that long, thought it was 6 months or something. You poor thing, I can't imagine what that must be like. But you get a year back home to stock up on beer and steak

Surely they have to feed you three squares a day, that's just you want me to send you cookies? I make a mean walnut choc chip