Wow, more features! More favorite SGs! I've added girls who I've intended to draw pictures of but just haven't gotten scanned in yet. Guess I should get on that!
Kobo Abe's a very great and interesting author.. bordering sci-fi and the surreal, much like JG Ballard, although he's more on the surreal side.
Secret Rendezvous is about a man's wife who's taken for no apparent reason in the middle of the night by an unknown ambulance to a hospital somewhere. In his effort to find her he's drawn into a Kafkaesque hospital underworld of incredibly strangeness and weird experiments. Brilliant dark read.
I'm reading Mishima's "Forbidden Colours" and its devastating. Mishima (like Thomas Mann's best work) weaves together a tight web of intellectualism and emotionalism that just works for me on an incredibly visceral level. I'm reading bits at a time as it's a very emotional read for me.. I identify a lot with many of Mishima's main themes. Quite good.. although my favorite remains (I think) Temple of the Golden Pavilion.. although by the end this novel may well equal it.
If you get bored tonight, come out to the Rox Room. Radio Show is playing at ten. The Rox Room is behind All Star's off ih 10, in the same building as Galaxies. Bring some friends!!
Secret Rendezvous is about a man's wife who's taken for no apparent reason in the middle of the night by an unknown ambulance to a hospital somewhere. In his effort to find her he's drawn into a Kafkaesque hospital underworld of incredibly strangeness and weird experiments. Brilliant dark read.
I'm reading Mishima's "Forbidden Colours" and its devastating. Mishima (like Thomas Mann's best work) weaves together a tight web of intellectualism and emotionalism that just works for me on an incredibly visceral level. I'm reading bits at a time as it's a very emotional read for me.. I identify a lot with many of Mishima's main themes. Quite good.. although my favorite remains (I think) Temple of the Golden Pavilion.. although by the end this novel may well equal it.
There.. how's that.