I'm turning off the internet for a month as there are certain areas of my life that need attention right now. I will continue to use the internet at work as I have to be connected to an intranet and I pay bills through apps on my phone but everything else will be left alone. In a world where we are so connected to the "net", this will be no easy feat, especially for someone like me who is so social and opinionated. However, it must be tried. I have to see if I can develop some better habits in terms of eating and exercise and caring for my overall mental health. I don't think it's a big sacrifice but we'll see.
Until next time my friends, be well and care for each other.
oh and please watch and share even if you don't live in BC:
Until next time my friends, be well and care for each other.

oh and please watch and share even if you don't live in BC:
Well I will miss seeing your posts around, but I hope the next month goes well
Hope your well mate.