So I'm lamenting my shaved beard but it didn't stop me from pursuing the affections of a lovely young lady the other night! Les rwoar!
Although she did remark that it was a shame that I had shaved. 
So my friend and I have gotten off our asses and started a Mo' Team to help raise awareness and maybe some funds!
Truth be told, I have grow very fond of fund-raising for a good cause. Now I can't say I'm entirely selfless in my efforts or intentions. I'm not sure if it's because it gives me something to do or because it gives me something to do. Possibly I'm doing this one because I have a prostate and while I have not been diagnosed with Cancer, I am aware the odds are not stacked in my favor at current. So if I am part of a solution or this motivates me to go get my health checked, again, I will certainly benefit in someway. However, I am also doing this for my brothers, and my brother's brothers and so on and so forth.
Been listening to the Suburbs again. It's still as incredible as last year.
M83's Hurry We're dreaming is also on heavy rotation along with Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire!, Birdy Nam Nam, Umberto and the various incarnations of Kool Keith to keep me hustlin'!
What are you listening too?! What am I maybe missing out on?!
I'm also going to add something that I can really say is true and that is that women really do dig confidence not just a beard, not just a chubby baby-face and certainly not just corny jokes. Sure there are those women who may care about your status or your looks but I think if your respectful. decent, work hard and are confident in yourself, they may just warm to you. I'm certainly proof positive of that.
Can't believe it took me 35 years to to figure out that women may actually like me for who I am and not just because I'm good in bed!

WARNING! You may be assaulted with an ad for Nickelback
before the video starts but what follows is worth it!
PS: I should note that in no way am I a player or a Lothario or a womanizing philanderer
No. I am just a nerd trying to find true love in this world like everyone else and if they love me and leave me, well, better to have loved than to have not right?!
PPS! I have been watching waaaay too much How I met your mother!

So my friend and I have gotten off our asses and started a Mo' Team to help raise awareness and maybe some funds!
Truth be told, I have grow very fond of fund-raising for a good cause. Now I can't say I'm entirely selfless in my efforts or intentions. I'm not sure if it's because it gives me something to do or because it gives me something to do. Possibly I'm doing this one because I have a prostate and while I have not been diagnosed with Cancer, I am aware the odds are not stacked in my favor at current. So if I am part of a solution or this motivates me to go get my health checked, again, I will certainly benefit in someway. However, I am also doing this for my brothers, and my brother's brothers and so on and so forth.
Been listening to the Suburbs again. It's still as incredible as last year.
M83's Hurry We're dreaming is also on heavy rotation along with Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire!, Birdy Nam Nam, Umberto and the various incarnations of Kool Keith to keep me hustlin'!
What are you listening too?! What am I maybe missing out on?!
I'm also going to add something that I can really say is true and that is that women really do dig confidence not just a beard, not just a chubby baby-face and certainly not just corny jokes. Sure there are those women who may care about your status or your looks but I think if your respectful. decent, work hard and are confident in yourself, they may just warm to you. I'm certainly proof positive of that.
Can't believe it took me 35 years to to figure out that women may actually like me for who I am and not just because I'm good in bed!

WARNING! You may be assaulted with an ad for Nickelback

PS: I should note that in no way am I a player or a Lothario or a womanizing philanderer

No. I am just a nerd trying to find true love in this world like everyone else and if they love me and leave me, well, better to have loved than to have not right?!
PPS! I have been watching waaaay too much How I met your mother!