Victory! The Supreme Court of Canada has unanimously determined that the Insite Safe Injection sight will remain open! This will be a huge turning point in our battle against addiction and by extension poverty and homelessness here in BC. I don't know if anyone will read this but those who do not know, Vancouver has one of the largest drug using populations in North America and an HIV/AIDS problem to go with it. Since Insite opened, the transmission of AIDS/HIV through intravenous drugs has been massively reduced in BC.
I have a lovely friend who was an addict and she said she couldn't have gotten clean without the help of Insite and the staff their.
As an government employee working in social services, I work directly with addicts and the homeless everyday and knowing that the path has now been paved for harm reduction sites across the country, this is big resource for us to combat these complex social issues and help people get back to living healthy and taking control of their own lives.
Yes, addicts in many cases made the choice to use and continue to use but we shouldn't treat them as animals or criminals and we certainly can't judge when we haven't lived their lives. The evidence is there. The site works. The Supreme Court has recognized the evidence and made, what I feel, was the right and best choice. This is the right way to go to war on drugs.
As for the Conservative Governement of Canada who has battled against this, I juts want to say, "Nyah, Nyah, Ny-Nyahn, Nyah!
Suck it Harper!
I have a lovely friend who was an addict and she said she couldn't have gotten clean without the help of Insite and the staff their.
As an government employee working in social services, I work directly with addicts and the homeless everyday and knowing that the path has now been paved for harm reduction sites across the country, this is big resource for us to combat these complex social issues and help people get back to living healthy and taking control of their own lives.
Yes, addicts in many cases made the choice to use and continue to use but we shouldn't treat them as animals or criminals and we certainly can't judge when we haven't lived their lives. The evidence is there. The site works. The Supreme Court has recognized the evidence and made, what I feel, was the right and best choice. This is the right way to go to war on drugs.
As for the Conservative Governement of Canada who has battled against this, I juts want to say, "Nyah, Nyah, Ny-Nyahn, Nyah!

Hilariously and coincidentally enough, tomorrow! I'm coming for just a few hours though; taking the 11:30 ferry (after an appointment here), making a 2:45 appointment in town, having dinner at the Thai place, and then making the 7pm ferry back to the mainland. If you have the time free, I'll likely be at the Thai place around 4:30 or 5!! I think Booth can make it for dinner.
Yup that's the place!!