I have returnenened and am so not ready to go back to work. I really need a vacation, but I don't get one until next year
Oh well, I guess I can learn to cope, but it's still kinda depressing. Fortunatly, though, I have some new toys to play with so I think I can make it
Unfortunatly my friend and I are kinda dorky and I have no outrageous stories to tell about the last couple of days. We pretty much spent the entire time catching up on some movie watching and gaming we'd put off and then spent some time making repairs to the movie set (stupid wind :mad
. Didn't do much picture taking either. However, I promised pictures and I never break a promise so do not despair.
What I have is a sequence that I took last night recording how I spent my night dealing with a power outage (when you're up all night every night, power outages can be brutal)
It all began as I was catching up on my college hockey news online . . . .
Unfortunatly the news was not as good as I had hoped, as you can tell from annoyed face. Then the power went out! Everythings down! At first I was frightened and took shelter . . .
Teddy'll protect me!! Quickly, I realized that it was just a simple power failure. But what can you do in the middle of the night with no power? PLay games and tell stories, of course (or so I've heard, anyways). So I broke out my board games . . .
Ahh the game of life. I can play that by myself (managed to do it pretty well so far
) I can take this game . . .
Assistant Manager at Mcdonalds!? What kind of career cards are these? Nevermind, I can cope . . .
Where's the rules on vasectomies? I don't have enough space in my car for all these kids. There's got to be a way . . .
I'm broke!! I lost at the game of Life! How . . . um. . . realistic
Forget this. It's storytime. Although, living by myself, I had to improvise for people to tell stories to . . .
I thought it was pretty good, but my story didn't fly too well. Notice the one on the left sleeping? Ah well, at least I can still have something to eat instead . . .
Hmmmmm, this isn't working too well. Stupid flame. It's not hot enough. Wait a minute . . .
Fortuunatly I remembered that I have a gas stove so I don't need electricity for that. However, Now it has been two hours and boredom has set in . . .
As much as it pains me to do it, at this point there is really no other option. I must bite the bullet and "shudder" actually sleep at night . . .
. . . half hour later . . . the power returns and I have survived! Snaps all around!
Rock your weekends.
Daily Assignment: What is the best way to ride out a power outage?
P.S. For bigvixen, the fishie attempts:
Nope, not even close.
Sorry, best I could do.

Unfortunatly my friend and I are kinda dorky and I have no outrageous stories to tell about the last couple of days. We pretty much spent the entire time catching up on some movie watching and gaming we'd put off and then spent some time making repairs to the movie set (stupid wind :mad

What I have is a sequence that I took last night recording how I spent my night dealing with a power outage (when you're up all night every night, power outages can be brutal)
It all began as I was catching up on my college hockey news online . . . .

Unfortunatly the news was not as good as I had hoped, as you can tell from annoyed face. Then the power went out! Everythings down! At first I was frightened and took shelter . . .

Teddy'll protect me!! Quickly, I realized that it was just a simple power failure. But what can you do in the middle of the night with no power? PLay games and tell stories, of course (or so I've heard, anyways). So I broke out my board games . . .

Ahh the game of life. I can play that by myself (managed to do it pretty well so far

Assistant Manager at Mcdonalds!? What kind of career cards are these? Nevermind, I can cope . . .

Where's the rules on vasectomies? I don't have enough space in my car for all these kids. There's got to be a way . . .

I'm broke!! I lost at the game of Life! How . . . um. . . realistic

I thought it was pretty good, but my story didn't fly too well. Notice the one on the left sleeping? Ah well, at least I can still have something to eat instead . . .

Hmmmmm, this isn't working too well. Stupid flame. It's not hot enough. Wait a minute . . .

Fortuunatly I remembered that I have a gas stove so I don't need electricity for that. However, Now it has been two hours and boredom has set in . . .

As much as it pains me to do it, at this point there is really no other option. I must bite the bullet and "shudder" actually sleep at night . . .

. . . half hour later . . . the power returns and I have survived! Snaps all around!
Rock your weekends.

Daily Assignment: What is the best way to ride out a power outage?
P.S. For bigvixen, the fishie attempts:

Nope, not even close.

Sorry, best I could do.

Power outages are THE SUCK as Bigvixen would say. At least it was a night when you could just sleep it off.
Glad to hear that you were able ot catch up on some movies and video games. What games did you end up playing by the way?
[Edited on Oct 29, 2004 7:15AM]
I love this fishy face....
In fact I love the format of your journal today. It rocks!
The teddy bear, and GI Joes, and the game of life.....haha your awesome.
I'm glad you had a good time catching up with your buddy.
BTW...how is your apartment so clean?