Arghhh!!!!! Can't frickin' concentrate!! I've got six different notebooks scattered around ranging fomr my philosophy thesis to an unfinished sci-fi and I can't concentrate on any one of them long enough to accomplish anything. I thought days off were supposed to be useful. It's almost enough to want to go back to the lithium meds . . . . .almost. Tried beating my head on the desk to slow down my racing mind. . . . . . . now my desk has a dent and I have a headache. I'd cuss out the management for poor planning there, except that's me . . and I don't like argueing with myself 'cause I always lose
. Plus trying to make up later is just a little wierd.
Eeerrrghhhhh!!! I think maybe its bedtime instead. Everything always seems to look better from the surface of a air mattress.
Eeerrrghhhhh!!! I think maybe its bedtime instead. Everything always seems to look better from the surface of a air mattress.