Well here we are. it's Christmas eve eve and i still don't feel christmassy. Usually by now i've got into the Christmas spirit, but this year not even slightly. The fact we're getting the first delivery of Easter eggs into our store this week doesn't help!
I'll be fine come Christmas day, when i'm sat at the table eating Christmas dinner with the rest of my family. but at the moment i just feel...meh!
I can't believe that the year is nearly over! it seems to have gone by so quickly. i wish i could say it's been an eventful year, but it hasn't really. well except from a couple of very memorable (and quite bizarre) moments. And i had a good holiday in Dublin (somewhere i'd highly recommend as a holiday destination!). Ok, so it might not have been an eventful year but it's been a good year all things considered. And next year looks like it'll be quite eventful, what with a couple of family weddings, a friends stag do (which i get to organise as i'm his best man) and his wedding. Plus whatever else happens.
So, thinking about the end of the year got me thinking about new years resolutions. I've decided not to make any resolutions for the new year, cos every year i make the same resolutions (find love and loose weight) and never do anything to achieve them. so i'm not gonna bother in 2009.
Have an amazing Christmas everyone and a great new year, and i hope you have better luck with any resolutions you decide to make than i generally do!
I'll be fine come Christmas day, when i'm sat at the table eating Christmas dinner with the rest of my family. but at the moment i just feel...meh!
I can't believe that the year is nearly over! it seems to have gone by so quickly. i wish i could say it's been an eventful year, but it hasn't really. well except from a couple of very memorable (and quite bizarre) moments. And i had a good holiday in Dublin (somewhere i'd highly recommend as a holiday destination!). Ok, so it might not have been an eventful year but it's been a good year all things considered. And next year looks like it'll be quite eventful, what with a couple of family weddings, a friends stag do (which i get to organise as i'm his best man) and his wedding. Plus whatever else happens.
So, thinking about the end of the year got me thinking about new years resolutions. I've decided not to make any resolutions for the new year, cos every year i make the same resolutions (find love and loose weight) and never do anything to achieve them. so i'm not gonna bother in 2009.
Have an amazing Christmas everyone and a great new year, and i hope you have better luck with any resolutions you decide to make than i generally do!

Happy New Year!!!