Hey! Guess what? I've got a website. It's a bit amateurish, as I don't have any fancy web design software. The whole thing is an exercise in Teaching Oneself HTML and hence I am not buying web design software at this stage - that would kind of defeat the object of hand coding a website. I did start building the website ages ago but then, being the fickle person I am, I got side-tracked and didn't do anything with it. This year I want to make an effort to build it and to learn the basics of web design. I'll send you the link via the SG email-type-thing.
Cheers! All of the fungus / mushrooms pics were taken using the cam on my mobile phone apart from the two of me holding a somewhat butt-shaped Giant Puffball and the one of my brother (when he was much younger) finding a Fly Agaric which were taken by my step-dad. I was really surprised at the sharpness of some of them, especially the Birch Polypore pics. I'd not had a cam phone before and I expected the pics to be small and low resolution just like webcam pics.
Hey! Guess what? I've got a website. It's a bit amateurish, as I don't have any fancy web design software. The whole thing is an exercise in Teaching Oneself HTML and hence I am not buying web design software at this stage - that would kind of defeat the object of hand coding a website. I did start building the website ages ago but then, being the fickle person I am, I got side-tracked and didn't do anything with it. This year I want to make an effort to build it and to learn the basics of web design. I'll send you the link via the SG email-type-thing.