And to think, all i was going to do tonight was stay in and watch the last series of m*a*s*h on dvd. instead i went out, drank too much strongbow and invited a lot of people to a bbq at my house on saturday (you're all welcome to come if you can make it to lydney, gloucestershire, on saturday).
It wouldn't be a problem if i didn't have to be at work for 6.30 tomorrow morning. Hopefully my amazing boss will let me come in a bit later if i agree to work later.
Have a good week everone!
It wouldn't be a problem if i didn't have to be at work for 6.30 tomorrow morning. Hopefully my amazing boss will let me come in a bit later if i agree to work later.
Have a good week everone!

thanks for the comment on my set, kiddo. It was sweet