this morning was pretty manic at work. we had all 6 deliveries that we were expecting turn up by 9am. This did mean that everything got done nice and early though, so the boss said i could go home at 1pm (she's so good to me
So at 2pm i was at home and free to enjoy all the beautiful sunshine that we've had all day, but instead i was sat in front of the computer screen looking at this site (damn you SG and all your addictive qualities!).
Went and visited one of my friends, who i haven't seen for a while, this evening. ended up feeling quite jealous of him though (which is a first). he has a girlfriend, which is more than i do at the mo, and he's of to Canada for 6 weeks at the end of the month.
Oh well, i shouldn't really be jealous of a friend so good luck to him.

So at 2pm i was at home and free to enjoy all the beautiful sunshine that we've had all day, but instead i was sat in front of the computer screen looking at this site (damn you SG and all your addictive qualities!).
Went and visited one of my friends, who i haven't seen for a while, this evening. ended up feeling quite jealous of him though (which is a first). he has a girlfriend, which is more than i do at the mo, and he's of to Canada for 6 weeks at the end of the month.
Oh well, i shouldn't really be jealous of a friend so good luck to him.