feel ill
once again my staff have passed on their germs to me.
To cheer myself up i'm trying to sort out a holiday. Last year me and mr gwynne went to Prague, and we had an amazing time. It's a beautiful city, full of beautiful girls and it has a good nightlife. so, we decided to do the same thing this year, but we can't decide where to go. for preference it should be somewhere in europe (as we're only planning on going for a weekend), it should have a good nightlife and plenty to do in the day (cos i don't wanna spend all my nights pissed and all my days hungover in a hotelroom.).
at the mo the possible destinations are budapest or stockholm. anyone been to these places (or live there), or have anywhere else they'd recomend for a short break?

To cheer myself up i'm trying to sort out a holiday. Last year me and mr gwynne went to Prague, and we had an amazing time. It's a beautiful city, full of beautiful girls and it has a good nightlife. so, we decided to do the same thing this year, but we can't decide where to go. for preference it should be somewhere in europe (as we're only planning on going for a weekend), it should have a good nightlife and plenty to do in the day (cos i don't wanna spend all my nights pissed and all my days hungover in a hotelroom.).
at the mo the possible destinations are budapest or stockholm. anyone been to these places (or live there), or have anywhere else they'd recomend for a short break?