I'm a happy little game geek now! my copy of Final Fantasy VI has arrived! now i just wish i could remember how to get the yeti to join your party...
Can't remember that how to do that one..

BTW there is still alot of stuff that i havent unpacked yet!
Cool Tachikoma!!

Watch Kurt Russel ham it up in Escape from New York!
Thanks so much for the comment you left on my fetish set!!
It has been a good weekend! smile
I may have had a shitty day at work on Saturday, but i had a great Saturday night out in Chepstow. smile A friend of mine has been having a bit of a crazy time, relationship-wise, so we decided to have a lads night out. We drank a lot more than we usually do, got abused by my cousin (I've...
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thank you! smile
Pans Labyrinth is one of the best gothic fantasies i have seen in ages.

Unfortunatley our Croydon store has sold the Michellle figure - sorry!
We finally had a nice, sunny day! smile

It makes me feel so much happier when we get a bit of sunshine.
I love Sunshine!!!
Weekend is good so far, my back is alot better!!!!
How is your weekend going so far!
excelent, were taking my stepson for a bike ride today so the sun is very welcome!!!!
Hope you have fun with the family!
i was on the radio today! ok, so it was only a local radio station. And it was just so i could tell a (not very) funny story about work. But i did get a load of cakes because of it, and you can't go wrong with cakes. smile
It is kind of large but get to watch some amazing films and i am going to steal his super girl!!!!
Will contact the croydon store and get it sent back and we can sort something out once it gets back to the warehouse.

I feel a lot better today than i did yesterday smile

Everything went ok at the dentist. I just got told off for not cleaning my teeth carefully enough, and got charged sixteen quid for the privilage. Nearly didn't make it to the dentist though, i lost track of the time because of the addictiveness of Kingdom of Loathing and had to run to the dentist!...
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I just want to tell you, that you are a total babe and one of the nicest people i have met on here, if you use msn, add me!!!!!
Hi - Thats ust half the collection - have so much stuff still in boxes!

There is no way on earth i am letting go of the hellboy - sorry!
The Tifa is already promised to my sis if i get rid of it.

I picked the R.O.D Michelle figre from where i work abut a year ago - havent seen any since but there might still be some left in the company, will check for you.

Im now saving up for the R.O.D Yuriko Readman figure at the mo.

Out of the blue today i got a text from that girl who was messing me around a while ago. i haven't heard from her in over three weeks and she texts me with no explanation as to why she's been out of touch for so long, she's just acting as if we've been really friendly over that time. I'm tempted to just ignore her...
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Yay! i feel awake for the first time all week smile And the weather seems to have cleared up smile And i have the first series of Green Wing to watch smile And i don't have to get up at 5:30 tomorrow morning smile

All is good smile
The weekend approaches and soon I will be Forest bound. Any ideas? smile
Ha! Ha! Pints of blackcurrant and soda water all round then!!! smile smile
God i feel tired today. i shouldn't be tired though, i didn't have an overly late night and i got plenty of sleep (for a change). So why is it that i've been struggling to keep my eyes open since i got out of bed this morning? Oh well...

Glad i didn't have to go to work today. it took my friend over 3 hours...
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I have food poisoning so im shattered too, rubbish isnt it, hope the roads get better when you go back to work.
Yesterday i made a chocolate sponge. This morning i iced it with chocolate frosting. Then i nearly destroyed it driving to work frown

There was a good reason for the cake making. A local Adventure Playground was having a fun day and our shop was helping raise some money by making and selling cakes, selling raffle tickets and a few other bits and bobs. We raised...
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They are, they are japenese prize toys, my fried got them for me.

Bought this for me today.

Yeah we got it for him so he doesnt feel left out.
It's too hot and humid at the moment frown plus it's been pissing down for the last couple of days. Oh well...

Everything has been pretty good recently. Work's not been too bad. plus my arsehole of a district manager is on secondment for a month or so, which makes life much easier at work. Actually, something odd happened at work today. One of the glass...
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Hey Gorgeous,

Thanks for the comments.

Mallars Pike Looks gorgeous, gonna have to come visit sometime.

Ill take some pictues of the rest of the town where i live. thats not so pretty, but there are some nice places to go, thank god!!!!

Glad the girl has gone, there is nothing wrong with being single.
love kiss
Screw Mr Daniels, he's a cad and a bounder and an awful rogue. Truly the one person any discerning young man WLTM is, the delightful, the delicious, Miss Fee Verte (one word of advice, though is that you should never trust her with your wallet). wink

Re: rendezvous in Forest, I will text you closer to the date. Meanwhile, I will be in the Forest this weekend but I wont be free to meet up as I am visiting my step-Dad to give him his Fathers' Day card and present.

PS Have you seen Pan's Labyrinth?
I'm giving up the booze for a while. I went out on Saturday night and ended up drinking a load of Jack Daniels, which seemed like a good idea at the time but was not such a good idea when i woke up on Sunday. Then, on Sunday (after going to work), i met up with Moonshadow and his brother up at my local. i...
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I probably will be in the Forest for a few days around either the end of June or the end of July. I am not sure which yet (I will be looking after a dog for a few days).

Meanwhile, here's something to cheer you up!! smile
So, how's Mr Daniels? Have you seen much more of him since you last wrote this journal entry. My advice to you would be to avoid his company as he is a most disreputable fellow. wink

I can now confirm that will be hanging out in the wild marcher lands (i.e. down your way) on 07/07-10/07.