that is a seriously scary bunny. XX smile
thank you for the birthday wish.

Glad to be back.
Here i am, at the end of another week off and as usual I've done none of the things i was going to do!
I didn't complete Final Fantasy XII. I didn't watch any of the DVDs that are piling up, un-watched, on my bedroom floor. I didn't sleep much either and i wish i could say it was due to late nights out with...
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Hey! I'll bet you're glad to be back at work!! eeek wink biggrin
I'm fine now. It lasted about a week and then I felt worn out for a week after that (probably due to getting up dead early every morning and walking to the train station).

So what's new with you?
The My Chemical Romance gig in Cardiff was amazing! They played the whole of the "Welcome to the Black Parade" album, then went of stage for a bit before coming back on and playing a load of tracks from "Three cheers for sweet revenge." The only bad point was the hundeds of 12 year olds (which we expected) and the appearance of someone from our...
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I think things have crashed and burned with that girl i met the other weekend before they even got started.
Thing is, i don't really care. I sould care, i mean it's been about two and a half years since i last had a girlfriend, but i don't. thing is, i wasn't really expecting it to work out anyway. Partly because of the age gap...
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Sorry things don't seem to be working out with your ladyfriend. frown

As for the age gap thing. You'd be surprised how many people I know who've settled down into relationships in which the male partner is 10-15 years older than the female partner (I kid you not). Anyway, regardless of your age and her age, you can't blame a guy for trying can you wink smile
I haven't stopped smiling since last night smile

Me and my friend Andrew went out in Chepstow last night, and it ended up a very random night. First we were discussing the Borrat movie with a group of people from Kazakhstan. Then we met a couple of girls, who we spent the rest of the evening with. It was a fun evening, especially as the one...
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How's it going, dude?
I hope you feel better soon. Have fun in Cardiff!! smile
Work's over for the day, the sun is shining and i'm going out tonight. All is good! smile
Ahhh! My week off has been fun smile

I've not really done a lot, but then that was my plan. In fact, what I've mostly been doing is playing Final Fantasy XII (great game by the way). I've seen some friends and just generally chilled. It's been great. Only bad point was having to go into work Wednesday morning, mind you i volunteered for that so...
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This is probably the first year in my life where i didn't eat pancakes on pancake day frown

Should i be worried that the people that i work with have been asking my boss if i'm ok because they think i seem more depressed and fed up than usual? I'll be the first to admit that i'm not the most upbeat of people, but i don't...
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Hee hee!! I never bother with pancakes. I haven't for years.

Enjoy your week off! I have a week off in March, just trying to use up my annual leave, you know.

We'll have to meet up again some time! In fact, how do you fancy going to Bath one day? I have been meaning to get off my arse and do things on weekends and one of the ideas I had was to go to Bath at some point. I've not been to Bath since I was in my teens and I am surprised that it has taken me so long to decide to go there again.

Its funny how I get so caught up in day-to-day life that the days turn into weeks and I never seem to actually do anything except go to work!! Maybe, tacky as it may seem, I need to get a big piece of paper, write a long list of things to do, with target dates against each item, stick the piece of paper up on the wall in by my bed and make myself review the list every time I get up in the morning and go to bed at night!!! biggrin

I will actually be down your way next week (ie w/c Mon 26th Feb). The other evening when I got back to my house, I was approached by a couple of gentlemen from the water board who advised me of the fact that a sewer main down the end of our street is nearing collapse. In the near future, they plan to perform repairs during a 25 hour run. Because the works will be noisy, they have offered to put everyone in the street up in a hotel!! However, I figured that as I don't have a car and as they couldn't tell me which hotel it would be, I didn't want to take a gamble on whether I could get to Temple Meads from the hotel (plus, in my experience, hotels don't seem to be very good at grasping the concept of vegan food, even when you tell them in advance). Hence, I will be staying at my parents' house for a few days. The repairs are on Thursday so I will probably go to my parents house direct from Gloucester on Wednesday evening and stay there until the weekend, or maybe stay there during the weekend as well and go back to my house from Gloucester on Monday.

Anyway, let me know what you think.
If you are free one weekend, then I suggest popping up to Bath on a Saturday. Alternatively, I am off work during one week in March (week commencing Mon 19th March, I think) so if you are free at all durng that week we could do it then.

Hope you are enjoying your week off.

Meanwhile, the b*st*rds have put a generator right outside my house and it is 'humming' away at a billion decibels!! I thought the works were happening on Thursday!!! After work tomorrow, I am going to catch the train to the Forest and stay at my mum and step-dad's house for the rest of the week.

Right I am off to have a bath and prepare my packed lunch for work (ah, what an exciting 'rock & roll' lifestyle I lead, hee hee).
Once again valentines day comes and goes without me getting a card. Oh well, kinda used to it by now smile
Tell me about it!!

Hey! Guess what? I've got a website. It's a bit amateurish, as I don't have any fancy web design software. The whole thing is an exercise in Teaching Oneself HTML and hence I am not buying web design software at this stage - that would kind of defeat the object of hand coding a website. I did start building the website ages ago but then, being the fickle person I am, I got side-tracked and didn't do anything with it. This year I want to make an effort to build it and to learn the basics of web design. I'll send you the link via the SG email-type-thing.
Cheers! All of the fungus / mushrooms pics were taken using the cam on my mobile phone apart from the two of me holding a somewhat butt-shaped Giant Puffball and the one of my brother (when he was much younger) finding a Fly Agaric which were taken by my step-dad. I was really surprised at the sharpness of some of them, especially the Birch Polypore pics. I'd not had a cam phone before and I expected the pics to be small and low resolution just like webcam pics.
Some lovely kids decided to let off a stink bomb at work this evening, so i spent 2 hours stuck on a till in a shop that stank like shit! puke I really could have done without that.
Ew!! When I was a child, I went into a joke shop in Weston-Super-Mare with one of my cousins with the intention of purchasing some stink bombs. However we got a bit sidetracked because we were surprised to discover that, in addition to stink bombs, the shop also sold 'perfume bombs'. For some reason we actually bought a packet. They weren't much use really!

Also, thanks for your condolences, matey.
Why am i watching Robin Hood Prince of Thieves? There's so much more i could (and should) be doing and yet i can't bring myself to switch the tv off. oh well...
Thanks for commenting my new set!!
Feel ill frown but that's not stopping me going out tonight smile

just for fun, here's a little vid my friend andrew took when we were on holiday in Tallin. Enjoy! smile