today was a stressful fucking day. we finally finished the roasted asian duck galantine, the duck confit, the three sausages we needed to make. but we didn't finish the turkey pate en croute. the pate was the thing that almost had me in tears. we needed aspic gelee to finish it. to make aspic gelee you need to make a stock (in this case a turkey stock) which should have taken an hour (it took two). then you chill the stock and make a consomme (which makes the stock clear and the flavor stronger). then you add gelatin. we couldn't make the gelee because the stock wasn't properly made. the teacher didn't help matters. he just made me feel like a dumb ass. this is my third term. i'm supposed to be supervising the new students. but it's hard to keep tabs on if they are doing things right, and do my own stuff.
them to top off the day i got pulled over by the cops. my tags were a year old. they told me that i have to go back up to seattle to re-register my car and get new tags. then come back down to oregon to go to court, and if the judge feels nice he might lower my $100 fine. i have til the 29th of april. the problem is i have class from monday to friday, i'm looking for a job, and band practice is on saturday.

it's not all bad though. it could always be worse.