Hmmm nothing much to add today.

How dull is that?

Oh yes Halo 2 on my mate's X-Box gave me motion sickness, and I wasn't even playing it!

Talk about a non-stop, fun packed weekend eh? frown
Well things seem to be going okay with me and Michelle.
I'm continuing to say 'seem', as I've learned that as soon as you start to think that everything's tickety-boo, it usually means that its all about to go 'tits-up', as I believe the technical term is?

The odd thing now is I'm also thinking about the ex at the moment which is a bit...
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Date 4 came and went and was fun ending in a light fumble a bit embarrasing at our ages!

Date five tonight and all's well so far!

Domestic front however is not. Two new tyres required on Monday. Boiler broke on Tuesday and I seem to be comming down with the flu (didn't you know men never get just a cold!)

Still I'll soldier on...
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Hey smile

Thanks for commenting on my set blush...glad you liked it smile

Sorry its taken so long to get back to ya, been kinda ill puke
Have a Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!!

T. to the muthafuckin C. wink
Well Date three with Michelle seemed to be the clincher and lo and behold she is rather taken with me!

Which is something of a relief as I thought once more it was all one sided.

So...Were meeting again for another afternoon pub crawl through Liverpool.

Which shall be fun!

Cyincal side of brain says "yeah, see how long this one lasts"
Well that's another month practically free of any entries.

Internet date 14 with the Librarian went okay, although slightly fogged by over drinking.

Second date stone cold sober, didn't go as well.

Haad another date though via friends GF in the meantime which was another sparkling sucess...I do wonder if I'm getting picky?

3rd date with Librarian on Sunday next, do wonder where this one's...
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Well that's Internet Date No. 13 in the bag.

She was very nice, Another schoolteacher.

Weither she liked me or not remains to be seen

Still date 14 on Saturday next, another librarian....

Oh well on with the motley...
Oh well done it again... I put these on with the intent of keeping them up to date and then...

So what's happend since the last entry?

Well sent my ex-fiancee a few emails and sorted out a problem over a missed payment on her sofa. Went to see here after her birthday and thought that I was being a good friend. I had no...
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See previous recent posts.

It's come to my attention that the Ex's late boyfreind cheated on on her....

Do you ever get the feeling your life's turning into a soap opera?
Yes...And it annoys the hell out of me when I get that feeling because I hate drama.
got your mail. feel free to write! smile
Well that was peculiar.

See previous posts about ex and her bloke (who she left me for) kicking the bucket.

Well logged on to AOL to check my mail tonight when I got in from work and there she was. Still on my Buddie list I thought I'd ask how she was.

2 and a half hours later we were still chatting (actualy that's how...
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This is a very odd day.

It's my Birthday tomorrow and I'm off on the town fo some ale and a Chinese Banquet with the chaps.

Followed by the England qualifier.

Just had an email from th ex. The bastard she left me for is dead. I knew that this would happen, the guy was sick but I thought that I'd be bouncing off the...
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