here i am, in north eastern ohio. mentor to be exact. i find myself wondering, yet again, how people who deal with snow more often then most of the rest of ohio can manage to be so piss poor at driveing in it.
mother fuckers.
on a brighter note, ive gotten my upper cartalidge in both ears pierced at a 4ga. also added two small tattoos. a trinity knott on my left index finger, and a horseshoe on the ol' trigger finger.
any clevelanders know about some fun shit goin down tonight?
mother fuckers.
on a brighter note, ive gotten my upper cartalidge in both ears pierced at a 4ga. also added two small tattoos. a trinity knott on my left index finger, and a horseshoe on the ol' trigger finger.
any clevelanders know about some fun shit goin down tonight?