to anyone who actually reads my shit, i am now up and runnin on the pc again. fukin time warner and their winged monkeys were all over NOT helpin me out. ive been out of jail consistently for a bit. even managed that while fittin in a couple nights of drinkin. i missed all of the hottness while my internet was down. now that i have it back, ive finally got a reason to get up out of bed again!
More Blogs
Sunday Aug 27, 2006
take a good look around. take everything in. now... imagine wha… -
Sunday Jul 09, 2006
i am tired of being a whore i think. i want someone to want me for m… -
Friday Jun 30, 2006
don't think i like this new sg layout. but maybe it's just differen… -
Sunday May 21, 2006
life moves slowly. halting and weak. must change. but i wont. -
Sunday May 21, 2006
life moves slowly. halting and weak. must change. but i wont. -
Sunday May 21, 2006
life moves slowly. halting and weak. must change. but i wont. -
Monday May 08, 2006
i am looking forward to mingleing around at Hell City this year! i h… -
Sunday Apr 09, 2006
im bored. i wish i knew people that didnt drink or smoke that would j… -
Thursday Apr 06, 2006
finally my own internet connection on my own computer in my own apart… -
Sunday Mar 05, 2006
consider your life. do you enjoy it? do you curse it? do you actuall…