Don't you hate it when you read over your previous posts and you notice typos and it makes you look like a dumbass?
I did the triathalon today and came in around 44 min. My goal was to finish in under 45 min, so I was happy. I need to swim more. I was like a dead guppy in that pool, which is sad because I used to swim a lot. The biking leg was a little rough because I don't have a road bike so I needed to use my mountain bike, but I definately handeled it better than the swimming. The running went smoothly as well, and I actually passed more people during the run than any other leg of the race. The best part is that one dollar of my entry fee goes towards oncology research (I wish more of it did).
I did the triathalon today and came in around 44 min. My goal was to finish in under 45 min, so I was happy. I need to swim more. I was like a dead guppy in that pool, which is sad because I used to swim a lot. The biking leg was a little rough because I don't have a road bike so I needed to use my mountain bike, but I definately handeled it better than the swimming. The running went smoothly as well, and I actually passed more people during the run than any other leg of the race. The best part is that one dollar of my entry fee goes towards oncology research (I wish more of it did).
congrAts on bettering your goal!! thats so awesome, good on you!!