edit.clip.think.erase.re- type.send .edit.question.sigh.read.smile.
the process of writing this journal every chance that i get. it's makes it easier.everydayeverything.calmer.mostly.stronger.comments.morebelieving.thank you.
ok. at the 10 day mark my leg allowed me to walk without crutches. WOO-HOO
my best friend is in the stongest love of his life.(she's amazing and hot!) she's too perfect, and that's the most comforting thing that i've ever felt for him. i love him. always. i will. and her if she never hurts him. i will.
painkillers make me into a voyeur. is this bad or just creepy. grin. i know.
the process of writing this journal every chance that i get. it's makes it easier.everydayeverything.calmer.mostly.stronger.comments.morebelieving.thank you.
ok. at the 10 day mark my leg allowed me to walk without crutches. WOO-HOO
my best friend is in the stongest love of his life.(she's amazing and hot!) she's too perfect, and that's the most comforting thing that i've ever felt for him. i love him. always. i will. and her if she never hurts him. i will.
painkillers make me into a voyeur. is this bad or just creepy. grin. i know.
money is what we have to have to live in this world.......but not alot all the time.....so just lay low and stop fucking worrying. you'll be better than alright...your stillifegaijin for fucks sake.