a is the light at the end of my rainbow............yes.....
parking spots are metaphorical.....yes......
b is becoming metaphysical.......yes....
r is putting the earth off it's axis with her bi-polarity.....yes.
m...the question reasked wasn't answered, please do so...yes
s....a new mua...crazyhottallshavedhairperfectasssweet....YES
new york might still have some life left in it.....but it's no la!
our new life is coming in on the next winters moon......to start to have .......... perfection is waiting....we'll be there soon..... and all will be done.
to everyone else who's reading this....decoders are available by request.
parking spots are metaphorical.....yes......
b is becoming metaphysical.......yes....
r is putting the earth off it's axis with her bi-polarity.....yes.
m...the question reasked wasn't answered, please do so...yes
s....a new mua...crazyhottallshavedhairperfectasssweet....YES
new york might still have some life left in it.....but it's no la!
our new life is coming in on the next winters moon......to start to have .......... perfection is waiting....we'll be there soon..... and all will be done.
to everyone else who's reading this....decoders are available by request.
photos still keep me looking.......am i a sad fuck>?
ps......leg hurts like fucking hell!