I don't know why this one sticks with me but it always will. I was somewhere between 6 and 7 years old and my family and I lived in Pennsylvania. One weekend in the summer my family had a BBQ with my dads coworkers. We had a huge swing set in the yard! Me and a friend were having a competition to see who could swing the highest... of course I had the rope swing. During mid swing going as high as I could and feeling the metal poles rise out of the ground the rope snapped and I flew straight on my butt! I swear midflight everyone turned to look at me and as I landed on the hard ground I let out the loudest scream ever! I thought I had broken my tailbone. I went over to my mom and dad who looked at it and then proceeded to tell me my but was broken because I had a huge crack in it! I was so gullible at that age too. I cried harder because I thought my butt was broken!