I know it's taken a long time for me to write about the shootfest. It seems like yesterday I left my SG family to go back to reality. Back in 2012 I got married to who I thought was the love of my life. Turns out I married Dr. Jekyll and Hyde. I had piercing and only 1 tattoo. While we were dating he was...
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I love my zodiac sign! I’m a Leo! 8/8! Almost everything they say about Leo’s is true! I love attention and affection. I like to be the center of attention depending on the situation. I work hard to obtain my goals and have a hard time accepting failure. I love to pamper others too especially if I’m with someone. I am outgoing and funny but...
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This is super easy. I love breakfast for dinner or "brinner" as I call it 😜 My hands down favorite thing is grits with butter. I love maple sausage links too I could eat those all day everyday if I could. I'm not really an egg person. I will eat them fried if I do have them. A nice hot cup of coffee with just...
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Honestly I want to do something pretty relaxing and pampering first. I want to start the day off with a full body massage, facial, mani, pedi. Then I want to relax on a beach for a while and play in the water. Then I want to go bourbon and whiskey tasting (it's my favorite alcoholic drink)! And it's something I've always wanted to do. Then...
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If I could change one thing I would change my level of patience. I have a really REALLY hard time not being irritated by small things. I HATE when people won't shut up and listen. In most cases almost anything can be resolved by just listening. When I become agitated i get very short with people which tends to make me seem standoffish or mean...
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My favorite super hero of all time is hands down green arrow. He learned all his skills by experience. He had to learn how to survive. He is incredibly athletic and smart. He used to skills to battle villains. His story was just supposed to be a mini series in '83 which later tuned into a really popular tv series. His goal was to get...
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Well with school and work I don't really have as much time as I would like to read. I'm a sucker for rereading old classics! I will read anything by Hemingway or by Vonnegut! I am dying to reread one flew over the cuckoos nest it is hands down one of my favorites. I also found a zombie book called patients zero which I'm hoping...
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I don't know why this one sticks with me but it always will. I was somewhere between 6 and 7 years old and my family and I lived in Pennsylvania. One weekend in the summer my family had a BBQ with my dads coworkers. We had a huge swing set in the yard! Me and a friend were having a competition to see who could...
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This is going to seem like a complaint fest. I used to be married and thank Jesus I got a divorce. The saying you marry the family too is 100% accurate. Little did I know my exhusbands family was bat shit crazy. He moved to Tampa to start a job and I stayed behind in Colorado to sort out and have our household stuff moved....
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I graduated 7 years ago. The one piece of advice I have is that you should do what you want to do. If you want to pursue a certain degree do it because you want to do it. If you want to join the military do it because you want to do it. If you just want to work do it because you want to...
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