I would like to open this journal entry with the following two pictures. This is what happens when you let your boyfriend handle the camera. Anyone notice a theme?
If you missed the bikini carwash, you missed a good, good day. Ah, the sweet taste of success. Oh no, wait. That's the taste of the sweat and sunscreen still clinging to my body. I seriously think I'm radiating more heat than a small sun right now. Ouchies! I've got a nice stylish sunburn, but hell, I've always been willing to pay the price of fashion.
The carwash was a resounding success. We raised a nice wad of cash and no doubt a few other things too, hehe. We caused no accidents, although there was a pretty good traffic jam on Spring Garden St. for most of the day.
Check out the 8th page of the Philly Daily News for a lil' blurb on our adventures. There are also a few great pics in my folder. 'Twas a ton of fun, but I think I'll take a break from scrubbing cars for a while. I was toast after working this one over.
Three cheers to my lovely lady friends and fellow burlesque dancers - Ms. Candy Mayhem, Ms. Kiki Berlin and Ms. Violet Sweet for working off their gorgeous lil' asses all day. Three more cheers for my man, who guarded the cash box and doubled as photographer. We had a ton of support. Lots of friends and perfect strangers who showed up. Oddly enough, even though the bar was open, most people opted to stay in their cars while we scrubbed 'em down. Gee, I wonder why...
For those of you who didn't make it - pooh pooh on you. You'd BETTER be at the Hoedown. Time to go fill the baby pool full of aloe vera gel. Anyone have suggestions for how to reduce a sunburn?

If you missed the bikini carwash, you missed a good, good day. Ah, the sweet taste of success. Oh no, wait. That's the taste of the sweat and sunscreen still clinging to my body. I seriously think I'm radiating more heat than a small sun right now. Ouchies! I've got a nice stylish sunburn, but hell, I've always been willing to pay the price of fashion.
The carwash was a resounding success. We raised a nice wad of cash and no doubt a few other things too, hehe. We caused no accidents, although there was a pretty good traffic jam on Spring Garden St. for most of the day.

Three cheers to my lovely lady friends and fellow burlesque dancers - Ms. Candy Mayhem, Ms. Kiki Berlin and Ms. Violet Sweet for working off their gorgeous lil' asses all day. Three more cheers for my man, who guarded the cash box and doubled as photographer. We had a ton of support. Lots of friends and perfect strangers who showed up. Oddly enough, even though the bar was open, most people opted to stay in their cars while we scrubbed 'em down. Gee, I wonder why...

For those of you who didn't make it - pooh pooh on you. You'd BETTER be at the Hoedown. Time to go fill the baby pool full of aloe vera gel. Anyone have suggestions for how to reduce a sunburn?
i think...your boyfriend did an amazing job handling the camera....
the pictures are so clear
