Get 'ur cars, bikes and hell, even your bods ready for a rub a dub scrubbin' this Sunday! The Hellcat Girls are lathering up the Silk City parking lot for our soon-to-be annual bikini car wash. Yes, that's right. It's gonna be dirt, suds, sexy girls in daisy dukes, wet white t-shirts, pasties, panties, highheels, hotrods and just about anything else we can squeeze into the fray. No car? No bike? No problem! We'll scrub you down instead. The show goes down this Sunday at 5th and Spring Garden Street from 11am-4pm. I'll be there with bells on...or at least pasties...maybe...if I remember to put them on this time. Funny story about that, me and my sometimes-there pasties. Remind me to tell it sometime. All the carwash proceeds will go towards our 2006 Hellcat Girls Pin-Up Calendar. You're lookin' at Ms. July. Mark another date - Septempber 10th - The Hotrod Hoedown at Kahunaville and the calendar premier. That gives me an entire month to get this pasty problem down! ::looks for industrial strength pastie glue...:: See all ya kittens and cowboys on Sunday!
Toodles, poodles, and a lot of other pukey cute stuff.

Toodles, poodles, and a lot of other pukey cute stuff.

great story....sorry i missed the show last time ...but i hope i can convince Nyssa to go this time around. p.s. if you tell her that there will be naked bewbies, she just might wanna go. I hope its not hot as hell out.
Don't you have our number? Call us...let us know whats up.
i have marked september 10th down tho.....mmmmm calendars