Damn it. I am SO bored right now. SO. BORED. I'm in one of those moods, where I want to go out, but I don't want to go out. Ever get like that? I'm semi-over Fluid. It's fun, fun, fun, but not every week. Even though tonight *is* Punk Rock Prom. I skipped both proms in high school. Not my cup of tea then. Apparently not my cup of tea now. Argh! It's hot. It's sticky. My AC *still* hasn't arrived. Even my cat is too warm to cuddle. Crap. I'm a cranky, cranky bitch right now and I have absolutely nothing of interest to say, other than to complain about being in a cranky mood. How's that for a positive outlook on life?
Aren't you glad you read this super peppy update of overwhelming importance?
Aren't you glad you read this super peppy update of overwhelming importance?

Why didn't they do TES Fest this year?