I've come to the grand conclusion that I'm a technology-dependent woman. And I wouldn't have it any other way. A few days ago I was forced to survive with no internet connection for a few hours. Those were the longest hours of my life. I can't imagine life without my cell phone and my IPod. Why have one computer when you can have two? You don't realize how much we all depend upon technology until it's MIA. Ala my car! My poor baby is in the shop, awaiting a new front end, thanks to some drunk bitch who speed through a stop sign and then had the nerve to speed off! Kill! Kill! Kill!
I wish I would have had a video recorder. You'd all be laughing your asses off at my insane chase through West Philly. So, the bitch hits my car, then takes off. I follow her. She stops. I stop. She takes off. I take off after her. Went down one-way streets the wrong way, through stop signs, skidded out around corners, slid on ice, I even think we blew a few red lights. All for the sake of getting her friggin' plate numbers. Which I successfully did! YES! There's nothing as sweet as justified retribution. You may break my car. You may even break me. But you will not break my rage.

if so, i'm a BIG fan of you ladies' work
Thanks for the ...ahhh...pussy...I mean pussies!!!!