Memories, all alone in the moon light. I remember the old days...well, I sort of remember the old days. Like yesterday. And the day before. I hung out at the tattoo convention yesterday with my friend Lil Steph. She's fabulous. Tiny, cute, smart, perky, blonde, nice boobies. I love her to pieces, but boy oh boy, when we get together all sorts of trouble happens! Let's see...I remember dancing burlesque, getting pushed around in a wheelchair all crazy (I heart Patsy Cline), free tequila from the bartender, free whiskey from the bartender (shit, I don't even like whiskey), zexy tattoo boys, 3am dinner at the Aramingo Diner (eek), babies at Aramingo Diner at 3am (wtf, who brings their baby out at 3am?), stepping over passed out drunk white trash girls (yes, plural), grilled cheese with bacon, more grilled cheese with bacon, werebabies, harassing one-more-drink-and-they'll-be-gay straight boys at Drinkers Tavern, random bars in Fishtown, doing my civic duty to cheer up a broken hearted boy, the biggest white fro you've ever seen (kudos Dan), elicit substances, hand-held push lawn mowers, Psydde Delicious, Psydde Delicious naked, Psydde Delicious naked mowing the lawn (I'm sorry Psydde, but the story is just too damn good not to tell). Jebus, what a weekend! And there's still the official afterparty at Fast Cheap N Outta Control tonight. Zexy Lil Step will be dancing and I'll be there stirring up trouble. Time to rest up!
hey I missed having you around!
I really enjoyed it. But then, I know absolutely nothing about the original story, so I can just go with the flow on it. I also think Terrance Howard is kinda cute for a guy