It's time for an obligatory update because:
1) My last post was 10 million months ago.
2) My last post was depressing.
3) My cat is pooping on my bed.
Yes, you heard me correctly - MY CAT IS POOPING ON MY BED. Eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! This has been going on for almost three months now. First it started off as a random poo particle on my coverlet. I brushed it off as an accident. You know how poo gets stuck to cat butts sometimes. Now it is definitely NOT an accident. Every night that I do not sleep at my house (which is normally 2-3 times a week), my cat takes a dump smack dab in the middle of my bed. He's giving me the big "f-you mom." It isn't a health issue (that I'm aware of). He's in good shape. I think it's a stress issue. When I'm gone, my roomate locks him in my room, otherwise he keeps her awake all night. My cat is a momma's boy - he's the most codependent feline I've ever encountered. He hates being alone. What the hell am I going to do? I currently have to put a tarp over my bed whenever I'm gone. Yelling at him, flicking his nose and pushing his face in it does absolutely nothing. My room smells like shit - literally!!! I love my cat and I would never get rid of him, but this is completely intolerable. This is quite possibly the most disgusting thing I've experienced in my entire life (and trust me, I've experienced a whole lotta disgusting things...although not quite as much as that Dirty Jobs guy on TV...) What am I to do? Advice. I need advice!
1) My last post was 10 million months ago.
2) My last post was depressing.
3) My cat is pooping on my bed.
Yes, you heard me correctly - MY CAT IS POOPING ON MY BED. Eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! This has been going on for almost three months now. First it started off as a random poo particle on my coverlet. I brushed it off as an accident. You know how poo gets stuck to cat butts sometimes. Now it is definitely NOT an accident. Every night that I do not sleep at my house (which is normally 2-3 times a week), my cat takes a dump smack dab in the middle of my bed. He's giving me the big "f-you mom." It isn't a health issue (that I'm aware of). He's in good shape. I think it's a stress issue. When I'm gone, my roomate locks him in my room, otherwise he keeps her awake all night. My cat is a momma's boy - he's the most codependent feline I've ever encountered. He hates being alone. What the hell am I going to do? I currently have to put a tarp over my bed whenever I'm gone. Yelling at him, flicking his nose and pushing his face in it does absolutely nothing. My room smells like shit - literally!!! I love my cat and I would never get rid of him, but this is completely intolerable. This is quite possibly the most disgusting thing I've experienced in my entire life (and trust me, I've experienced a whole lotta disgusting things...although not quite as much as that Dirty Jobs guy on TV...) What am I to do? Advice. I need advice!

Have a great time!