::sits in chair:: ::sips coffee:: ::yawns:: ::opens SG::
Wha??? What's this?? ::rubs eyes:: A new SG layout? (Shows you how much I check in on the News board.) I likey like! Especially the part where it says that birds appear and choruses of angels sing hymns to my bonny face. Huh, sounds pretty accurate to me.
Ooooh, I wonder... ::checks:: damn it! No new smilies. Well, one can hope. What a pleasant Saturday morning surprise. I don't normally take well to changes on my fav/high traffic internet sites. Ala when Yahoo tried that new "test" layout a few months ago. I don't want to go on an Easter egg hunt to find the Mail icon. I resist change. It's part of my charm.
Update on the root canal! It went spectacular... ok, maybe not spectacular...but you get the point. It was tolerable. I plugged in my iPod and away we went. The only pain involved was the inital prick from the numbing needle. After that - nada! The worst part was being tilted backward and having to hold my jaw open for a lengthy time. Instaheadache. What they really need to do is start offering spa services in conjunction with dental procedures. A nice foot massage and some aromatherapy - and presto! - people would be swarming for root canals. Oh yes, and a video camera! I was utterly captivated by what the dentist was doing, each little pokey implement, each tiny drill, that crazy silver syringe (mental note, get one for work). If I have to endure the discomfort, at the very least I want to see the spectacle. Just a few suggestions for any dentists out there - massage therapy and live video feed. Trust me, you'll usher in a new era of dentistry.
Now if I could only teach these birds how to refill my coffee and the angels how to sing a good jazz standard...
Wha??? What's this?? ::rubs eyes:: A new SG layout? (Shows you how much I check in on the News board.) I likey like! Especially the part where it says that birds appear and choruses of angels sing hymns to my bonny face. Huh, sounds pretty accurate to me.

Update on the root canal! It went spectacular... ok, maybe not spectacular...but you get the point. It was tolerable. I plugged in my iPod and away we went. The only pain involved was the inital prick from the numbing needle. After that - nada! The worst part was being tilted backward and having to hold my jaw open for a lengthy time. Instaheadache. What they really need to do is start offering spa services in conjunction with dental procedures. A nice foot massage and some aromatherapy - and presto! - people would be swarming for root canals. Oh yes, and a video camera! I was utterly captivated by what the dentist was doing, each little pokey implement, each tiny drill, that crazy silver syringe (mental note, get one for work). If I have to endure the discomfort, at the very least I want to see the spectacle. Just a few suggestions for any dentists out there - massage therapy and live video feed. Trust me, you'll usher in a new era of dentistry.
Now if I could only teach these birds how to refill my coffee and the angels how to sing a good jazz standard...
Glad to hear the root canal went well. But an orange slice in a beer? Ewwwwww! 

omg I can relate to that!! my mom says to me all the time "people respect people that respect themselves" and I try to explain to her that piercings arent disrespecting myself- its decorating!! lol i havent even gotten a tattoo yet so I can only imagine how quickly they will kick me out when I do get one!!