::cough cough, clears throat::
::gets up on soap box::
Friends, Romans, countrymen (and women), lend me your ears! But more importantly, give me your money! Put on your philanthropic hats. It's time to reach into your pockets, dig up those pennies, sort out the lint and wierd random items, and MAKE A DONATION TO CHARITY.
Women In Transition (aka WIT), a Philadelphia-based nonprofit domestic violence agency, is running its annual charity raffle (there are prizes!). As a volunteer for said organization, I am selling said raffle tickets. WIT is a fabulous organizations and is basically dependent upon donations for its survival (thanks to Bush's massive cutbacks - the bastard). But let's not harp on the bad, let's talk about the good. WIT offers group and individual counceling to victims of domestic violence and/or drug abuse. In addition, the staff and volunteers run a 24 hour domestic violence hotline. (That's were I come in.) In my humble opinion, WIT is the best damn DV agency in the city. For more info go to www.womenintransitioninc.org
So here's where you come in - buy raffle tickets!!! Tickets are:
$3 for a single ticket
$5 for 2 tickets,
$10 for a book of 5 tickets
The raffle drawing will be held this Saturday (April 8th at Foster's in the Reading Terminal Market).
What could you possible get in return for your generous donation? Well...the grand prize is a "University City" package (dinner for two at Penne at the Inn at Penn, two nights at the Hilton Inn at Penn w/breakfast & passes to the Institute for Contemporary Art). Oooooh la la! Other prizes include:
gift certificates to Fork, Farmacia, Susanna Foo (yummy!), Lula, Bluezette
an overnight stay at the Morris House
Tea for Two at the Parky Hyatt at the Bellevue (fun!)
tickets to the Philadelpia Theatre Company
Tixs to the Philly zoo
Tixs for Ritz theatres
2 month membership to the Sporting Club at the Bellevue
and more, lots and lots more prizes (too many to list)
So be a good soul and buy a book or two of tickets. Since I won't see most of you before I have to turn in the tickets on Friday, I'll float you the money, as long as you commit to paying up at some point. You can either pay me in person, pay through PayPal or pay via snail mail. Just let me know how many tickets you want to buy, as well as your full name, phone number and address (if you're a winner, WIT needs to mail or call you about the prizes). And if you don't pay up I'll hunt you down and shoot you (with a tranquilizer gun...and then god knows what I'll do.)
Ok, so lemme see a show of hands, how many tickets do you want?
Love and thanks in advance for your donations to this great organization.
And oh yes, one more thing - you don't have to be present at the drawing to win prizes.
::cough cough, clears throat::
::gets up on soap box::
Friends, Romans, countrymen (and women), lend me your ears! But more importantly, give me your money! Put on your philanthropic hats. It's time to reach into your pockets, dig up those pennies, sort out the lint and wierd random items, and MAKE A DONATION TO CHARITY.
Women In Transition (aka WIT), a Philadelphia-based nonprofit domestic violence agency, is running its annual charity raffle (there are prizes!). As a volunteer for said organization, I am selling said raffle tickets. WIT is a fabulous organizations and is basically dependent upon donations for its survival (thanks to Bush's massive cutbacks - the bastard). But let's not harp on the bad, let's talk about the good. WIT offers group and individual counceling to victims of domestic violence and/or drug abuse. In addition, the staff and volunteers run a 24 hour domestic violence hotline. (That's were I come in.) In my humble opinion, WIT is the best damn DV agency in the city. For more info go to www.womenintransitioninc.org
So here's where you come in - buy raffle tickets!!! Tickets are:
$3 for a single ticket
$5 for 2 tickets,
$10 for a book of 5 tickets
The raffle drawing will be held this Saturday (April 8th at Foster's in the Reading Terminal Market).
What could you possible get in return for your generous donation? Well...the grand prize is a "University City" package (dinner for two at Penne at the Inn at Penn, two nights at the Hilton Inn at Penn w/breakfast & passes to the Institute for Contemporary Art). Oooooh la la! Other prizes include:
gift certificates to Fork, Farmacia, Susanna Foo (yummy!), Lula, Bluezette
an overnight stay at the Morris House
Tea for Two at the Parky Hyatt at the Bellevue (fun!)
tickets to the Philadelpia Theatre Company
Tixs to the Philly zoo
Tixs for Ritz theatres
2 month membership to the Sporting Club at the Bellevue
and more, lots and lots more prizes (too many to list)
So be a good soul and buy a book or two of tickets. Since I won't see most of you before I have to turn in the tickets on Friday, I'll float you the money, as long as you commit to paying up at some point. You can either pay me in person, pay through PayPal or pay via snail mail. Just let me know how many tickets you want to buy, as well as your full name, phone number and address (if you're a winner, WIT needs to mail or call you about the prizes). And if you don't pay up I'll hunt you down and shoot you (with a tranquilizer gun...and then god knows what I'll do.)
Ok, so lemme see a show of hands, how many tickets do you want?
Love and thanks in advance for your donations to this great organization.

And oh yes, one more thing - you don't have to be present at the drawing to win prizes.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday!