Happy Valentines Day everyone!! Yes, yes, I know it is a completely commercial holiday, created for the betterment of chocolate makers worldwide, but I do feel a twinge of sentiment and mushiness. Have a great day!
Don't forget that tonight is the 'Sweet Tart', the Hellcat Girls' first full-length burlesque show of 2006, at Silk City Lounge (5th and Springgarden, Philly). Doors open at 9. Show goes on around 10:30ish. The Blessed Muthas band takes the stage immediately afterward. Bring an appetite, because we'll have lots of cute and naughty baked goods for sale. Yes, we sing, we dance AND we cook. How's that for talent!

Don't forget that tonight is the 'Sweet Tart', the Hellcat Girls' first full-length burlesque show of 2006, at Silk City Lounge (5th and Springgarden, Philly). Doors open at 9. Show goes on around 10:30ish. The Blessed Muthas band takes the stage immediately afterward. Bring an appetite, because we'll have lots of cute and naughty baked goods for sale. Yes, we sing, we dance AND we cook. How's that for talent!

Soooo...I ended up getting pretty damn sick last night. Apparently my take out food didnt like my body too much. I woke up on the couch at 8am, missing the entire night. 

I didn't know you were a bourlesque dancer. If you ever perform in Canada, lemme know and I'll go to see you.