Hellcat Girls Burlesque Performance Update
It's that time of year again - time for the claws to come out and the clothes to come off. So far the Hellcats have two February performances lined up.
Saturday February 4th
Philadelphia Eddie's Tattoo Convention
Whydem Hotel - 17th & Race, Phila
We'll be twirling our tassles and modeling corsets for the Delicious Corsets Fashion Show. Contrary to what the print and air ads say, the Suicide Girls are *not* performing at the fashion show. It's actually the *Hellcat Girls*. Somebody in the ad department got their sexy girls confused. Although rumor does have it that there will be more then a few SGs running around. Hum...burlesque dancers, Suicide Girls, corsets, ink, pasties, pain...sounds like a good time to me!
Tuesday February 14th - the big V-Day!
Silk City Lounge
5th & Springgarden, Phila
Finally, our first homemade/grass-roots burlesque show of the year... 'SWEET TART'! Come get your "sugar coma" high off of our baked goods & our first class entertainment. DJ Amy Undergirl will be spinning the sexy grooves all night long, with go-go/burlesque madness provided by guess who (I'll give you a hint - meow!), and live rocknroll music by the Blessed Muthas begining at midnight. Maybe there will be some Suicide Girls here too! (but I ain't promising nothin'.)
Toodles and poodles,
It's that time of year again - time for the claws to come out and the clothes to come off. So far the Hellcats have two February performances lined up.
Saturday February 4th
Philadelphia Eddie's Tattoo Convention
Whydem Hotel - 17th & Race, Phila
We'll be twirling our tassles and modeling corsets for the Delicious Corsets Fashion Show. Contrary to what the print and air ads say, the Suicide Girls are *not* performing at the fashion show. It's actually the *Hellcat Girls*. Somebody in the ad department got their sexy girls confused. Although rumor does have it that there will be more then a few SGs running around. Hum...burlesque dancers, Suicide Girls, corsets, ink, pasties, pain...sounds like a good time to me!
Tuesday February 14th - the big V-Day!
Silk City Lounge
5th & Springgarden, Phila
Finally, our first homemade/grass-roots burlesque show of the year... 'SWEET TART'! Come get your "sugar coma" high off of our baked goods & our first class entertainment. DJ Amy Undergirl will be spinning the sexy grooves all night long, with go-go/burlesque madness provided by guess who (I'll give you a hint - meow!), and live rocknroll music by the Blessed Muthas begining at midnight. Maybe there will be some Suicide Girls here too! (but I ain't promising nothin'.)

Toodles and poodles,

Ill more than definitely be at the Silk on that Bleedin Hearts Day. Sounds like fun.
Thanks for the moral support - I really hate being cranky....