BREAKING NEWS - Letter carrier wants U.S. Postal Service to add kilts to uniform
SEATTLE - A 6-foot-tall, 250-pound letter carrier is campaigning for the right to take off his pants. Dean Peterson wants the U.S. Postal Service to add kilts as a uniform option for men. The idea was soundly defeated in July at a convention of his union, the 220,000-member National Letter Carriers'...
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SEATTLE - A 6-foot-tall, 250-pound letter carrier is campaigning for the right to take off his pants. Dean Peterson wants the U.S. Postal Service to add kilts as a uniform option for men. The idea was soundly defeated in July at a convention of his union, the 220,000-member National Letter Carriers'...
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Hey, I went to the Hellcat girls show at the North Star Bar, but didn't wind up meeting you, who posted the event. I was hanging out with Tricia and her boy, sitting at a table near the front.
Pith helmets are all the rage in Miami amongst the Postal Carriers!
Yes, it is FINALLY happening. Hellcat Girls Burlesque is hosting another one-of-a-kind bad girl burlesque party. This is a hands down, boobs out full show. Not since the debaucherous liquor-hazed, John Waters inspired, hot dog roasting, tassle twirling insanity of New Years eve has Philadelphia experienced an original Hellcat Girls production. Join all the vintage Hellcats and the newest additions, the sexy Hellkittens, on stage...
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Me ->
<- Hellcats

What time is it Mr. Fox? Why it's Hellcat Burlesque time!!
Deny your weekly obligations and destroy your sense of guilt for going out on a Wednesday. Little Darling and I will be dancing at The Walnut Room on Wednesday May 21st for the Level Vodka burlesque promotional series. This show is a tease, as are we! We're dancing only one number each, so if...
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Deny your weekly obligations and destroy your sense of guilt for going out on a Wednesday. Little Darling and I will be dancing at The Walnut Room on Wednesday May 21st for the Level Vodka burlesque promotional series. This show is a tease, as are we! We're dancing only one number each, so if...
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Well that was weird...I commented one thing and all of these windows popped up...
Memories, all alone in the moon light. I remember the old days...well, I sort of remember the old days. Like yesterday. And the day before. I hung out at the tattoo convention yesterday with my friend Lil Steph. She's fabulous. Tiny, cute, smart, perky, blonde, nice boobies. I love her to pieces, but boy oh boy, when we get together all sorts of trouble happens!...
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hey I missed having you around!
I really enjoyed it. But then, I know absolutely nothing about the original story, so I can just go with the flow on it. I also think Terrance Howard is kinda cute for a guy 

What a bummer. According to a report I just heard on NPR, mini cars (Mini Cooper, Yaris, Fit, etc.) are twice as likely to result in fatalities in an accident. Scratch the gunmetal silver with black racing stripe Mini Cooper off my wishlist.
I'd like a Sherman tank instead, preferably with fully operational gun turret. My current car, the wonderful Toyota Corolla (which I love...
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Ah, they will put anything on the news these days. It won't matter what you are driving if you get hit with a cement truck.
I drive a Fit. I did re end someone in it. I'm still alive. It was only a tap though really.
Break out the jingle bells ladies and lads and mark your calendars, it's time to start off the holdiays with a bang, or better yet, a good bump and grind.
The Hellcat Girls Burlesque troupe in collaboration with the Bawdy Girls present "Unwrapped": A Night of Tinsel and Tassels for a festive gala in the spirit of classic burlesque.
Saturday, December 16th, 2006
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The Hellcat Girls Burlesque troupe in collaboration with the Bawdy Girls present "Unwrapped": A Night of Tinsel and Tassels for a festive gala in the spirit of classic burlesque.
Saturday, December 16th, 2006
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Had a lot of fun last night and great meeting you.
It's time for an obligatory update because:
1) My last post was 10 million months ago.
2) My last post was depressing.
3) My cat is pooping on my bed.
Yes, you heard me correctly - MY CAT IS POOPING ON MY BED. Eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! This has been going on for almost three months now. First it started off as a random poo particle on my...
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1) My last post was 10 million months ago.
2) My last post was depressing.
3) My cat is pooping on my bed.
Yes, you heard me correctly - MY CAT IS POOPING ON MY BED. Eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! This has been going on for almost three months now. First it started off as a random poo particle on my...
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at least he isn't charging you $300 a hour to do it 

Damn personal assistants....
Have a great time!
Have a great time!

Another one? Three in one week? A school shooting in a one-room Amish schoolhouse?!! What the fuck is wrong with this world? WHAT THE FUCK????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My assistant told me to tell you to tell your assistant that the white elephant is coming up in December..

Ummm.... SO 2 games out, after the Dodgers scored 19 yesterday! 19!!!
I want to believe (even if I know that they won't get past the 1st round of playoff games) but they make it so damn hard, don't they??
puppies - be a long time before getting one of those - way too much work to train, etc. when you are barely home.
I want to believe (even if I know that they won't get past the 1st round of playoff games) but they make it so damn hard, don't they??
puppies - be a long time before getting one of those - way too much work to train, etc. when you are barely home.
for a small fee, I can wrap up Rhana's puppy and mail her too you. the new saddle has some bling already and there is a sweet all rhinestone "cowgirl" belt buckle that I have been trying to convince her she needs.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the simple pleasures of life (even if it does have Miss Piggy in it.) Keanu wishes he could act half as good as Kermi.
The Muppets Matrix
YouTube rocks my socks.
The Muppets Matrix
YouTube rocks my socks.