every monday i am consumed with positive energy...it is a new week i want to eat right and workout everyday but by the time i get to wednesday i am back to my pot smoking and alcohol induced stupor...well this week i hope to remain focused...i have been pretty good with not smoking cigarettes for the last 3 months....except for the one i smoked friday night while drinking...usually if i have just one drag i'll be back to smoking full time, but that didn't happen this time so i am going to remain optimistic...then there is the real problem...my old friend jack daniels...such a nice gentleman...though he always gets me into trouble...i am not trying to quit drinking, that is just stupid, but i would like to be a responsible drinker, as in limiting myself to the weekends so i am not a waste....and pot just tastes so good i don't think that will ever stop....but you never know...
yeah, I have that issue of Skin & Ink, which is probably why she was in my dream....