well, i tried entering this little box that tells you what kind of Jedi you'd be according to your name, age, and sex. but, the html just isn't agreeing. if you want to see it, just click on the link i put as my website. here's something else that's fun - How a Light Saber Works
i just read that Darqyn has a family member who was recently assaulted. you know, it's shit like that... i wish i were home. maybe there i could've helped out someone i actually give a shit about.
i just read that Darqyn has a family member who was recently assaulted. you know, it's shit like that... i wish i were home. maybe there i could've helped out someone i actually give a shit about.
heheh dork

heya man been a while, going to check out your link on lightsabers... been a lil preocupied with star wars comp games lately... /trend whore out