okay, everyone ignore my last entry. this one is important. i was watching BBC World when i saw this little African girl being interviewed. like so many Africans, she has HIV. in fact, she lives at a private christian school there that is completely for girls with HIV. this particular girl recieved it from her sexually abusive parents. she couldn't have been older than 8. i'm trying my ass off to search for anything more on the school, but i didn't even get to catch what it was called. god, this girl broke my heart. ask Darqyn, i could usually give a shit about anything. people, please help me out in finding something on this school in Africa.
Avert is a charity i've found for international AIDS based in the UK. that's the very best of what i've come up with so far.
Avert is a charity i've found for international AIDS based in the UK. that's the very best of what i've come up with so far.
As for being racist and a minoirity, yeah I know that it exists umm I have my moments as do a lot of black people. It is all too deep rooted. We have had this discussion before. Eh. I don't think it's cool to use any of those terms, cracka nigga...blah blah It's all stupid.