Work, work, work, work, work work work workworkworkowrwokerjakdjflkagoiuanweo;iu 0932
So, anyway, I'm seeing more of the bright side to being single. I'm getting out there more, meeting more ladies, and geeking out. Well, no more than usual, anyway. Next weekend, we're having an Avengers party, where friends are invited to come in costume to watch The Avengers on blu-ray. Mine's easy. I cut my hair, but I still have the t-shirt and stuff. Shaved my beard too!
...*roughly 3 to 5 minutes*...
I just tried to take a picture of myself in the mirror, because I don't really have anything with my haircut. But, I felt really fucking stupid. I just kept picturing all those teens doing a duckface in their underwear, probably listening to...I don't know what. Justin Bieber? I'm getting older, allow me slip in this one area. I had to look up how his fucking name is spelled...
I might be heading out to the Ren Fest soon, so maybe there will be fun pics there!
Maybe I'll meet my own Ramona Flowers there. With less baggage!
So, anyway, I'm seeing more of the bright side to being single. I'm getting out there more, meeting more ladies, and geeking out. Well, no more than usual, anyway. Next weekend, we're having an Avengers party, where friends are invited to come in costume to watch The Avengers on blu-ray. Mine's easy. I cut my hair, but I still have the t-shirt and stuff. Shaved my beard too!
...*roughly 3 to 5 minutes*...
I just tried to take a picture of myself in the mirror, because I don't really have anything with my haircut. But, I felt really fucking stupid. I just kept picturing all those teens doing a duckface in their underwear, probably listening to...I don't know what. Justin Bieber? I'm getting older, allow me slip in this one area. I had to look up how his fucking name is spelled...
I might be heading out to the Ren Fest soon, so maybe there will be fun pics there!
Maybe I'll meet my own Ramona Flowers there. With less baggage!
No spoilers, promise!
I made sure not to give anything away, so all the info I've used is from the first book and the rest is just me trying to guess what's going to happen next. Just another two years until it's confirmed that I was right all along.