Okay. Tonight's show was something more like I'm used to. It was nice to see all of you, and get a little more cozy. You're all super nice, and it's an incredible difference between you and... Well, the internet can be a small place, so I'll mind my words just this once. If you want to know, you can ask me.
Our girl Oryx decided she'd bring her Mom to the show. As it turns out, Mom was pretty cool, but folks- I want to tell you something:
If you bring your parents to my show, I cannot be held responsible for any offense they may suffer. Bring parents at your own risk, and don't blame me if I make some cumshot joke or grab Mom's ass and she doesn't like it.
Also, if you bring your boyfriends, be sure to point them out or introduce them as such. I don't want a problem because I get cute with you and didn't know that kid next to you was your mang. I guess I should really publish some kind of survival guide or show companion that outlines all these rules...
Anyway, I figure that I can snap back from any kind of toxic Saturday show if you're all there on Monday.
Thanks, gang. Really.

Our girl Oryx decided she'd bring her Mom to the show. As it turns out, Mom was pretty cool, but folks- I want to tell you something:
If you bring your parents to my show, I cannot be held responsible for any offense they may suffer. Bring parents at your own risk, and don't blame me if I make some cumshot joke or grab Mom's ass and she doesn't like it.
Also, if you bring your boyfriends, be sure to point them out or introduce them as such. I don't want a problem because I get cute with you and didn't know that kid next to you was your mang. I guess I should really publish some kind of survival guide or show companion that outlines all these rules...
Anyway, I figure that I can snap back from any kind of toxic Saturday show if you're all there on Monday.
Thanks, gang. Really.
Wez cumin often.
Dude your show was great I had lots of fun.